How could shaving your peach fuzz change the structure of your hair follicle? You’re cutting the hair off on the surface level of your skin, without even affecting the actual follicle. “Hair grows at a blunt edge, so if you touch your face often, you may feel that hair growth coming back in and think that it is thicker, but that is not the case. Once the hair has fully grown back in, it will look and feel exactly the same as before. So AGAIN: This is physiologically impossible. The soft, fine vellous hair will grow back slowly – usually in about 4 weeks. There are two types of hair that grow on our bodies: 1. Vellous hair is the thin, fine, soft hair that typically covers the entire body. 2. Terminal hair is the course hair that grows on the head, face in men, underarms, legs and pubic areas. Dermaplaning, waxing, tweezing or any other depilatory form of hair removal, cannot alter the type of hair grown in any given area.